Invisalign® Houston, TX

Try Invisalign for a Straighter, Prettier Smile

Invisalign Houston, TX

Everyone wants a perfect smile, but most of us are not gifted with straight teeth genetically. Historically, the main option for correcting the alignment of your teeth has been metal braces, but Invisalign has made treatment that much easier and more accessible. Houston cosmetic dentist Dr. John Krell is proud to provide this exciting orthodontic alternative to his patients. Clear aligners, custom built to fit your mouth, can push your teeth into proper alignment.

Benefits of Invisalign

Several of the many perks that Invisalign offers include:

  • Aligners that are transparent, which makes it difficult for the people you interact with to realize you are wearing them.
  • Invisalign fits comfortably in your mouth and is not likely to snag and cut your gums like wires and brackets.
  • You can remove Invisalign anytime you eat to keep both your teeth and aligners cleaner (food often gets trapped in orthodontic wires).
  • Brushing and flossing is much easier without having braces in the way. 
  • Although you should wear Invisalign as much as possible to accelerate your treatment, if you have a big date or party where you would prefer not to wear your aligners, you have that option.
  • Fewer dental appointments are required than for traditional braces — just follow the schedule Dr. Krell provides and swap out your older aligners for new aligners approximately every two weeks.  
  • Faster overall treatment time for patients who wear their aligners at least 22 hours per day.

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign Houston, TX

Invisalign is an ideal treatment if you have a misaligned bite and smile. Even patients who previously had braces but have seen the results revert can realign their teeth with Invisalign. If your teeth are smaller than average or severely misaligned, you may need to explore other orthodontic options. It is not recommended for patients with dental implants or dental bridges.

Invisalign vs Braces

If you wish for a more pleasing smile, orthodontic treatment can give you a brand-new smile that you’re proud to show off. Traditional braces ask you to sacrifice your appearance for a few years to achieve a more beautiful smile — but with Invisalign, you won’t have to.

The nearly invisible aligners are hardly noticeable, so you won’t have to hesitate to smile. Invisalign also allows you to eat any food you like and it’s easier to take care of your teeth.

There are many advantages to Invisalign over braces, but it does have its limitations. If your teeth need to be moved a lot, traditional braces may be a better option. You can only know for sure if you’re a candidate for Invisalign at your consultation with Dr. Krell.

Three Steps to a Straighter Smile

1. Consultation With Dr. Krell

At your consultation, Dr. Krell will discuss your eligibility for Invisalign with you. He’ll examine your teeth and dental history to learn about your needs. Then, you’ll learn if Invisalign is the best choice for you and how long your treatment may take.

If you’re a candidate for Invisalign treatment, Dr. Krell will send impressions of your teeth to the laboratory to create your aligners.

2. Beginning Aligner Treatment

It takes a few weeks for your first aligners to be created, but we’ll call you back to the office when they’re ready. Dr. Krell will give you tips on putting your aligners in, taking them out, and how to properly care for them. He’ll also make sure they fit before you begin your treatment.

3. Wear Your Aligners for 20 to 22 Hours a Day

Invisalign is removable, so there are no restrictions on foods you can eat and you can brush your teeth normally. But you do need to wear your aligners for most of the day in order to keep your treatment on track. This means you’ll need to plan the time you have your aligners out carefully.

It’s best to rinse your aligners when you remove them to prevent bacteria from sticking to them. You’ll also want to brush your teeth after you eat and before you put your aligners back in, so food particles don’t damage your aligners.

Do At-Home Aligners Work?

While at-home aligners promise a straighter smile without ever visiting the dentist, the truth is that they can cause significant damage to your teeth. Virtual appointments and pictures often can’t show an entire picture of a patient’s oral condition and you may end up needing extensive corrective treatment after at-home aligners.

Regular check-ups at a dentist’s office ensure your treatment is proceeding safely and any issues can be corrected immediately. When you visit Dr. Krell, he can thoroughly examine your teeth to make sure your treatment is safe.

Contact Dr. Krell for Superior Invisalign Treatment

Dr. Krell is an experienced Invisalign provider and can ensure you receive the best treatment possible for your smile. He’ll work with you individually to create a smile that’ll boost your confidence.

To learn more or schedule your consultation, call our office by dialing (713) 877-1775 or by filling out our convenient contact form, available on this page. We’re looking forward to speaking with you about how we can help your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do you have to wear Invisalign?

Are braces or Invisalign better?

Can Invisalign ruin your teeth?

Do you lose weight with Invisalign?

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

How Can You Maintain Your Invisalign Results Indefinitely?

Is It Easy to Keep My Aligners Clean?

How often will I have to switch out Invisalign trays?

If I currently have braces, can I switch to Invisalign?

Can Invisalign help with my underbite?

Will Invisalign work on crowns or bridgework?

How should I prepare for my clear aligners?

Are the aligners comfortable?