Your Restorative Dentist in Houston, TX

Rebuild Your Smile

Do chipped, cracked, or broken teeth make your life just a little bit harder every day? Perhaps they prevent you from smiling as much as you’d like, or maybe they’re actually causing you pain. Whatever your situation may be, Dr. John Krell can help you with a variety of restorative treatments. No matter what you need, we’ll make sure you leave our office with a renewed smile you’ll be proud to show the world. Below, you can learn about just a few of the treatments we use every day.

Tired of hiding your teeth? Ready to be pain free? If so, contact us today in Houston to make an appointment.

Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can help to:

  • Restore a full, beautiful smile
  • Improve the strength and functionality of your bite
  • Reducing speech impediments
  • Blocking teeth from shifting out of alignment
  • Preserving the strength of your jawbone
  • Lowering discomfort related to tooth decay

Restorative Dentistry Procedures


Restorative Dentistry in Houston

A dental crown is a ceramic cap placed atop a damaged or weakened tooth. It is custom designed to look like the other teeth in the row to maintain a beautiful, natural-looking smile. Crowns are sometimes used to hold a dental bridge in place or strengthen a tooth treated with a root canal.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a prosthetic that can fill (or “bridge”) the gap in a smile created by a missing tooth, or multiple missing teeth in a row. Dr. Krell offers multiple kinds of bridges like fixed bridges, cantilever bridges, and Maryland bridges to suit a variety of dental needs.

CEREC One-Visit Dental Restorations

Have a tooth that needs to be repaired but don’t have time to do it? That might have been the case in the past when it took WEEKS to get a dental crown, but thanks to our highly advanced CEREC system, we can completely fix your damaged tooth in just one visit. It’s perfect for the person who needs to fit dental care into their busy schedule. How does it work? Is it right for you? Click on the link below to find out more about this amazing new treatment.

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are also known as partial crowns. We use them to help repair damaged teeth that still have an adequate amount of healthy dental structure. They are both made of dental ceramic, meaning they’ll seamlessly blend with your teeth and the rest of your smile. Inlays are typically used to support a tooth from the inside, while an onlay is placed on the outer surface. Could either one of them work for you? Follow the links below to learn more.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

In the past, fillings were made of a substance called amalgam. While they were great at fixing a small cavity, they certainly didn’t look very good, creating a dark gray spot on the tooth. This is why our practice uses tooth-colored fillings, a more cosmetically pleasing option that can completely blend into your smile while giving your tooth the strength it needs. Even better, since the composite resin material is able to bond directly to the enamel (unlike amalgam), less of your tooth needs to be removed for it to be placed, ensuring it will last for much longer.

Partial, Full, and All-On-4 Dentures

If you’re missing a large number of teeth, dentures are a simple and effective way to replace them. Our practice offers a variety of dentures that can be made to suit your particular needs. Partial dentures can fill in the gaps in your smile like the missing piece of a puzzle, full dentures can replace an entire row of teeth, and All-On-4 dentures use dental implants to make sure they never slip out of place.

Root Canals

Despite its reputation, a root canal is actually a practically painless procedure, and it is even one of the best tools we have to relieve severe dental pain and save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. We typically need to use it when a cavity has reached the innermost layer of a tooth where the sensitive nerve resides. This procedure can often be completed in just one visit, and you’ll be amazed at how easy we’ll make the experience for you.

Tooth Extractions

Dr. Krell will always strive to protect and preserve natural teeth through his work, but there are some situations where extraction is the necessary option. Our team prioritizes your comfort throughout this procedure, and restorative solutions are available if the removed tooth or teeth need to be replaced.

Restorative Dentistry Procedure Results

Restorative Dentistry treatments in Houston

Dr. Krell uses high-quality materials and advanced techniques to maximize the durability of all restorative dentistry procedures that he performs. Eventually, some restorative treatments will need to be replaced due to standard wear and tear. Avoid chewing on hard objects to extend their lifespan. Also, it is important to continue to brush and floss so that you can maintain the health of your mouth.

Restorative Dentistry vs. Cosmetic Dentistry

Restorative and cosmetic dentistry share some similarities. For example, they can both result in an improved smile appearance. However, restorative dentistry is primarily concerned with restoring the health and function of the teeth. This includes a range of procedures, each of which is intended to address damaged or missing teeth.

Urgency: The dental conditions that necessitate restorative dental procedures are typically associated with severe pain. Restorative dentistry is used to alleviate this and other serious and disruptive symptoms. In other words, there is a sense of urgency that accompanies restorative dentistry. On the other hand, cosmetic dental treatments are elective and are designed to improve aesthetic aspects of the teeth, such as color and shape. Generally, patients seek out cosmetic dental procedures because they are unhappy with how their smile looks (as opposed to pain, swelling, etc.). As a result, restorative dental procedures usually need to take place before cosmetic dental work is performed.

Dental materials: Another key difference between cosmetic and restorative procedures is the materials used during treatment. Dental restorations often prioritize materials that are affordable and durable, but not necessarily aesthetically pleasing. An example would be amalgam fillings, which are highly visible and may even give the tooth an unflattering silver hue but can last for 10 years or more. Cosmetic dental materials mimic the color and translucency of natural teeth so that a seamless, beautiful result is created. However, more and more patients are interested in the appearance of their restorative work, giving rise to the popularity of tooth-colored fillings and other natural-looking restorations.

Restorative Dentistry FAQs

What options do I have for replacing a missing tooth?

Dr. Krell offers several restorative procedures that can re-complete your smile. The most secure replacement option is a dental implant, which permanently attaches a prosthetic tooth to your jawbone. Dental bridges connect an artificial tooth to the adjacent natural teeth. If many teeth are missing, you may find the most economical option is dentures/partial dentures. Dr. Krell can review all the pros and cons of these treatments, as well as the prices involved, so that you can make an informed decision about your care.

Am I a good candidate for restorative dentistry?

If you have a tooth infection, missing teeth, or cracked and/or broken teeth, you are a good candidate for restorative dental care. Dr. Krell offers a range of treatments that can give you a healthy and fully functional mouth. In some cases, a combination of procedures may be necessary to achieve your desired results.

Does dental insurance cover restorative dentistry procedures?

Restorative dentistry procedures are deemed essential care by most insurance companies, and therefore are likely covered by insurance — at least in part. Check your individual policy to see what benefits you are entitled to. Usually, insurance covers a percentage of certain procedures, with a cap on the total spending a patient is entitled to in a single year. Our office accepts financing through CareCredit, a leading medical lender, to help you cover any out-of-pocket expenses related to your care.

Does restorative dentistry hurt?

Dr. Krell is committed to keeping you comfortable throughout all dental appointments. For more invasive reconstructive procedures, Dr. Krell will numb your mouth with Novocain, general anesthesia, laughing gas, or another form of sedative. If necessary, he will also prescribe pain medication to take in the days following your procedure.